Tembo is looking at the problems faced by Africans in a different way.
Providing more than just a momentary handout or unsustainable solution, we have worked for over 15 years, hand-in-hand with African people and their communities. Through this cooperative growth, our model has begun to unlock student potential, generate employment and jobs, and assist Africans in building a self-sustaining economy.
The old adage of teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime is well intentioned, but one must ask if there is a river to fish from or a market to sell his fish to? The truth is that most charitable organizations and NGO’s never ask – they tell. That is the major difference of Tembo Trading.
Founders, Debra and Jeana, speak with African parents, community members, politicians, and have worked with them to invent change that will last.
“More than 30 communities and over 15,000 children are using this model. African teachers and students communicate their successes and we now have more requests to implement the system than we are able to meet,” said co-founders Debra and Jeana.
They have seen that all parents want a better future for their children. They have seen that young minds, when given the opportunity, learn at a rapid, almost astounding pace. To do this, African students need a safe environment, the right educational tools, and the opportunity to grow.
Help Tembo reach more children and communities. Contribute today!

“Ultimately, our goal is to provide education to all children so they can grow to develop their own thriving economies. They become empowered adults who teach the next generation. It’s sustainable.”
Debra Akre
Give a child one full year of education for just $150 USD

Deliver a full digital library to schools with no textbooks

Provide educational resources and tools to educate hundreds
The goal of Tembo Education Project is to assist in people’s independence. There will come a day when there will be no need to ask for funding. The Tembo philosophy is to transform dependent people into independent leaders, though at this critical time we need funding to continue the transformation.
We need your help to provide young children a safe learning environment and educational tools. Funding is vital to the mission and we humbly ask you for your help. Your donation provides a world of hope for a child who could not see hope before.
Your help is needed to make this a reality. Donate on our website or mail a check to Tembo Trading Education Project, 30 Louise View Drive, Bellingham, WA 98229.

Included in your $150 yearly scholarship: school uniform, sports uniform, school supplies, test fees, medical care, vision care, personal hygiene products, seeds for school gardens.
Thank you for choosing to support Tembo Trading and education in Kenya!