The Journey
Our journey simply put was two women who fell in love with Kenya and its children. We believed we could use our skills and talents to transform these children through education, love and determination.
We believe you must first listen, look, learn and then act. Always keeping in mind you are there to partner with individuals who know their own culture better than you and by blending their knowledge and yours together you create solutions for their independence and not dependence.
After over 15 years of dedicated hands on work, we have been fortunate to see results first hand. Kids who never dreamed of going to high school have now graduated from universities and are working, some even going on for a Master’s Degree. Contributing citizens who will play in role in helping their communities and country move forward in a positive way is a dream we are seeing realized.
Our bigger dream of helping to change the education system in Kenya was achieved in 2017 with the help of Honorable James Rege. Putting passion and determination together can truly move mountains.